[フューチャーエナジーズ/ライトワーカーサポートキット全7本セット(The Future Energies Lightworkers Support Kit)]アンジェリックエッセンス/フューチャーエナジーズ/ライトワーカーサポートキット/フラワーエッセンス
These essences were created to support the lightworkers who have been and are in service to the whole. As lightworkers, many transmute new energies coming in through their physical forms, grounding them and making them more accessible to others and the planet. It has been described as similar to the actions of a lightening rod. This can create challenges within the electrical systems of these lightworkers. These essences ease the transmutation and use of the new energies for all. These essences continue to reconfigure, adjusting to us, the new energies, and what is needed.
■商品名:フューチャーエナジーズ ライトワーカーサポート 全7本 The Future Energies Lightworkers Support Kit アンジェリックエッセンス フューチャーエナジーズ ライトワーカーサポート フラワーエッセンス